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Search Results For "fancy"
Men more likely to 'date the boss'
In this time of economic uncertainty, a new survey finds that one in five employees said they would flirt with their superior if it meant they were more likely to get a promotion.
search on: Men-likely-date-boss
Rollercoaster ride of love
If the object of your affections does not seem to be taking an interest in you, then try taking them on a rollercoaster to give love a helping hand.
search on: Rollercoaster-ride-love
Brits would swap nationality for more romance
The vast majority of British men and women would swap their nationality if they had the choice, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-would-swap-nationality-more-romance
Women with more testosterone fancy macho men
Women with high testosterone levels are more attracted to macho men, according to new research.
search on: Women-testosterone-fancy-macho-men
Chris Martin's 'moral dilemma' over Sarah Palin
Coldplay frontman Chris Martin is happily married to US actress Gwyneth Paltrow, but that doesn't stop him developing schoolboy crushes on other ladies.
search on: Chris-Martins-moral-dilemma-Sarah-Palin
The look of love
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul but new research reveals that we are not using them to get ahead in the dating game.
search on: look-love
Everybody's faking it
There is one stand-out scene in the hit romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally and new research reveals that Meg Ryan's character's revelations are typical of many women.
search on: Everybodys-faking
VIDEO: “7 hot tips for first date success”
Nervous about that date?

...then click here to watch Mary's video:
“7 hot tips for first date succes...
search on: VIDEO:-“7-hot-tips-first-date-success”
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