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Search Results For "paying"
Financial wake-up call for newlyweds
So you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and you are planning to tie the knot.
search on: Financial-wake-up-call-newlyweds
The £1k cost of being a wedding guest
People in the UK are so keen to see their loved-up loved-ones tie the knot with their Mr or Miss Right that many are spending more than £1,000 a pop.
search on: The-£1k-cost-being-wedding-guest
Singletons not scrimping on first dates
The UK may be in the grips of a recession but that doesn't mean that everything is all financial doom and gloom.
search on: Singletons-not-scrimping-first-dates
Divorced men keener to re-marry than divorced women
A new survey reveals that men are much more likely to get over a stressful and complicated break-up than women.
search on: Divorced-men-keener-re-marry-divorced-women
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