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Search Results For "12"
The importance of being a social butterfly in your hunt for love

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Are you relationship ready? Find out now

search on: Are-relationship-ready?-Find-out-now

Summer Singles Party

Saturday, 22 August 2015 7:30 PM  BOOK NOW

Our Summer Party event will take place on Saturday 22 August at the Union Bar.
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Could your soul mate be waiting for you on a creative writing course...?
I want to tell you about my friends Anne and David. They met many years ago on a creative writing course in a small fishing village in Cornwall...
search on: soul-mate-be-waiting-a-creative-writing-course...?
Making long-distance love work
While building a relationship can be difficult, as both partners make time for each other in their lives, doing it with miles between you can make it even more of a challenge. Here are some tips for k...
search on: Making-long-distance-love-work
Jolie and Pitt cut out the soppiness
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have admitted in an interview with Marie Claire that they rarely succumb to relationship soppiness and have never said 'I love you' to one another.
search on: Jolie-Pitt-cut-soppiness
Russians to have national 'sex day'
Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today.
search on: Russians-have-national-ex-day'
A helping hand for cheaters
Cheating on a partner can be a shady business, and a company in France has decided to exploit this gap in the market by helping cheaters cover their tracks.
search on: A-helping-hand-cheaters
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