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Search Results For "Beckham"
What women want: more than just good looks
A man with a great personality and good sense of humour is more attractive than one who is just good to look at, according to a survey.
search on: What-women-want:-more-just-good-looks
Men 'pants' when it comes to their smalls
When it comes to their underwear, British men are all about recycling, according to new research.
search on: Men-'pants'-when-comes-their-smalls
Men 'not into cosmetics'
Recent years have hailed the rise of the metrosexual man – the man who looks after his appearance, probably spends more time in the mirror than his girlfriend and spends a lot of money on cosmetic pro...
search on: Men-'not-into-cosmetics'
Men 'identify with Eastenders' Ian Beale'
When it comes to star spending behaviour, most men see themselves as Ian Beale rather than David Beckham, according to a new poll.
search on: Men-identify-Eastenders-Ian-Beale
High heels good for female sex life
New research has revealed that wearing high heels can do wonders for a woman's sex life.
search on: High-heels-good-female-sex-life
The death of the romantic breakfast in bed
British men would most like to wake up to breakfast in bed with Kelly Brook or Denise Van Outen, while the ladies would love to start the day with Johnny Depp or David Beckham, according to a new poll...
search on: death-romantic-breakfast-bed
Beckhams go on double date
Celebrity super couple David and Victoria Beckham went on a double date on Good Friday with another top celebrity couple.
search on: Beckhams-go-double-date
Coleen is top fashion icon for Brit women
Coleen McLoughlin is the top style icon for British females, according to a new survey.
search on: Coleen-top-fashion-icon-Brit-women
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