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Search Results For "fiance"
Sienna tells Rhys to beef up for big day
Gorgeous British actress Sienna Miller does not want a scrawny husband walking down the aisle with her.
search on: Sienna-Rhys-beef-big
Kanye West and fiancee split
US rapper Kanye West and his fiancee have split up, with the star citing work pressures as one of the main reasons.
search on: Kanye-West-fiancee-split
Man rises to challenge to win love's hand
When Jonathan Horwath decided that he wanted to marry girlfriend Katherine Corner, her family set him a challenge - to run the Great North Run.
search on: Man-rises-challenge-win-love-hand
200 metre wedding dress
A loved-up man in China commissioned a wedding dress which is 200 metres long for his fiance.
search on: 200-metre-wedding-dress
Ulrika Johnson pregnant by fourth father
TV presenter Ulrika Johnson has announced that she is pregnant with her fourth child. And this will be the fourth man the serial-dater has had a child with.
search on: Ulrika-Johnson-pregnant-by-fourth-father
Couple prepare to become UK's oldest newlyweds
Following a romantic love affair, a couple are making plans to become the UK's oldest newlyweds.
search on: Couple-prepare-become-UK-oldest-newlyweds
Grooms 'uncertain' about brides' past
Grooms in the UK are not entirely certain about the whole of their brides' past, according to a new survey.
search on: Grooms-'uncertain'-about-brides'-past
Coleen is top fashion icon for Brit women
Coleen McLoughlin is the top style icon for British females, according to a new survey.
search on: Coleen-top-fashion-icon-Brit-women
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