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Search Results For "issues"
Uncover the Secrets of Lasting Couples
Relationships are never easy. And the longer you stay in a relationship, the easier it is to drift into routine, killing the original romance.
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Secrets of Lasting Couples: Part 2
Following on from our first article on "Lasting Couples" - here are five more attributes that are common in many happy longstanding relationships:
search on: Secrets-Lasting-Couples:-Part-2
Dating Detox designed to help "toxic singles"
There are 13 million singletons in the UK.
search on: Dating-Detox-designed-help-"toxic-singles"
Silver Separations: Rising Divorces In the UK
Such is the rapid increase of divorce rates in the over 60s age range that it has now been labeled as the “silver separations” generation.
search on: Silver-Separations:-Rising-Divorces-UK
Separate bank accounts - the key to relationship l
Financial issues are one of the biggest causes of arguments amongst couples, it has been revealed.
search on: Separate-bank-accounts---key-relationship-l
Anne Robinson to divorce
Anne Robinson, the presenter of hit quiz how the Weakest Link is saying "goodbye" to her husband.
search on: Anne-Robinson-divorce
Is the end in sight?
A new survey has revealed some tell-tale signs which indicate whether a relationship is on the rocks.
search on: end-sight?
Breaking out of relationship ruts
Relationships can fall into a rut. Deciding how to deal with a problem and add a fresh spark into your romance can be helped by identifying what type of rut you are in and acting accordingly.
search on: Breaking-out-relationship-ruts
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