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Search Results For "jealous"
Is your boyfriend good Marriage Material?
There is no perfect way to find out if you are with your Mr Perfect. In fact If you are looking for a Mister who is Perfect, you might as well stop looking and recognize that perfection simply doesn’t...
search on: boyfriend-good-Marriage-Material?
Can't take my eyes off you
Whether sizing up a rival or searching for a mate, our attention gets stuck on attractive people, a new study has revealed.
search on: Cant-take-eyes-off
Marines' love battle: After death of one, BOTH surviving comrades gave solace to his devastated widow
Kirianne Curley, widow of Corporal Stephen Curley, a royal marine had simultaneous affairs with his two best friends after he was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan, a court heard yesterday.
search on: Marines-love-battle:-death-one--BOTH-surviving-
Brits have holiday lovers' tiffs
As the holiday season draws in, many UK couples will spend their time abroad squabbling rather than staring lovingly into each other's eyes, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-holiday-lovers-tiffs
Short men 'more likely to be jealous'
Men who are vertically challenged are more likely to be jealous than those who are more blessed in the height stakes, according to a new scientific report.
search on: Short-men-'more-likely-be-jealous'
Heartthrob's wife not jealous of female attention
Being married to a Hollywood sex symbol might make some women feel somewhat insecure, but not Patrick Dempsey's wife – she thinks it's hilarious.
search on: Heartthrob-wife-not-jealous-female-attention
Women suffering from jealousy
An increasing number of women are suffering from the effects of jealousy, the Metro reports.
search on: Women-suffering-jealousy
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