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Search Results For "tressful"
Silver Separations: Rising Divorces In the UK
Such is the rapid increase of divorce rates in the over 60s age range that it has now been labeled as the “silver separations” generation.
search on: Silver-Separations:-Rising-Divorces-UK
Bride suing florist for £200,000
Weddings can be a stressful time, so it's important not to sweat the small stuff.
search on: Bride-suing-florist-£200-000
Unhappily married women stressed for longer
The stress levels of happily married women return to normal quicker than their less-happily married counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Unhappily-married-women-stressed-longer
Stress 'causing women health problems'
Stressful lives are playing havoc on women's stomachs and making them feel unattractive and bloated, according to a new survey.
search on: Stress-'causing-women-health-problems'
Coping with the greater stresses of Venus and Mars
His first relationship book achieved a mythical status usually reserved for religious texts and the Harry Potter series and now John Gray has produced a sequel.
search on: Coping-greater-stresses-Venus-Mars
Heigl made her move on hubby
Some women may think it's up to the guy to make the first move, but not so for Hollywood actress Katherine Heigl.
search on: Heigl-made-move-hubby
Women dwell on distress, while men turn to drink
When women are upset, they dwell on their negative emotions while men find some way of distracting from it, according to new research.
search on: Women-dwell-distress--while-men-turn-drink
Brits reveal holiday body worries
Holidays are supposed to be a time of fun and summer loving, but new research reveals that many women feel anxious while away because of low self-esteem.
search on: Brits-reveal-holiday-body-worries
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