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Search Results For "Boys"
Is your boyfriend good Marriage Material?
There is no perfect way to find out if you are with your Mr Perfect. In fact If you are looking for a Mister who is Perfect, you might as well stop looking and recognize that perfection simply doesn’t...
search on: boyfriend-good-Marriage-Material?
Jessica Simpson gushes over sports-star boyfriend
Singer Jessica Simpson has revealed details of her relationship with American football star Tony Romo, in an interview with Glamour.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-gushes-over-sports-star-boyfriend
Cuff luck
In an effort to put the spark back into their relationship, a couple ended up getting the emergency services involved.
search on: Cuff-luck
Ads issue dating 'call to arms'
Deodorant brand Lynx has launched a digital advertising campaign that incorporates dating advice for males.
search on: Ads-issue-dating-'call-arms'
Eva offers tips for dating sportsmen
Pop star Jessica Simpson has been given dating advice from Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria, about the tricky world of dating sportsmen.
search on: Eva-offers-tips-dating-sportsmen
Aggressive women 'more likely to have boys'
Aggressive and dominant women are more likely to have baby boys, according to new research.
search on: Aggressive-women-'more-likely-have-boys'
Nice guys finish last
It's official: women the world over are drawn to bad boys, according to scientific research.
search on: guys-finish
UK men shun women for gadgets
British football widows may have thought that they would get to spend more time with the men in their lives because of the lack of any UK teams in the European Championships.
search on: UK-men-shun-women-gadgets
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