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Search Results For "Sienna"
Sienna tells Rhys to beef up for big day
Gorgeous British actress Sienna Miller does not want a scrawny husband walking down the aisle with her.
search on: Sienna-Rhys-beef-big
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.
search on: Orlando-adds-Hollywood-hotlist-lovers
Men propose to girlfriends 'at three-year mark'
Women can expect their boyfriends to pop the question around the time their relationship reaches the three-year mark, but an expert has said the guys should surprise the woman in their life by proposi...
search on: Men-propose-girlfriends-'at-three-year-mark'
Ugly men 'better for beautiful women'
We've all done double takes when we have spotted a drop-dead-gorgeous guy with an aesthetically-challenged woman on his arm. But no-one takes any notice when it's a gorgeous woman with an ug...
search on: Ugly-men-'better-beautiful-women'
Coleen is top fashion icon for Brit women
Coleen McLoughlin is the top style icon for British females, according to a new survey.
search on: Coleen-top-fashion-icon-Brit-women
Sienna discovers 'the joy of text'
British actress Sienna Miller is so loved-up that she is finding it hard being away from her boyfriend Rhys Ifans.
search on: Sienna-discovers-'the-joy-text'
Coleen's quiet birthday date
Coleen McLoughlin and fiancé Wayne Rooney kept it simple as they celebrated the fashion icon's birthday.
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Coleen's quiet birthday date
Coleen McLoughlin and fiance Wayne Rooney kept it simple as they celebrated the fashion icon's birthday.
search on: Coleens-quiet-birthday
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