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Search Results For "dad"
Jessica Simpson to tie the knot again
US singer Jessica Simpson is set to be a 'Newlywed' once again as she has found love with an American football star.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-again
43% of UK Men don’t mind paying to help land a Dream Date
Divorced men are back on the dating picture and are determined to find next Mrs. Right as per the latest survey results.
search on: 43%-UK-Men-don’t-mind-paying-help-land-
Ugly men 'better for beautiful women'
We've all done double takes when we have spotted a drop-dead-gorgeous guy with an aesthetically-challenged woman on his arm. But no-one takes any notice when it's a gorgeous woman with an ug...
search on: Ugly-men-'better-beautiful-women'
Couples agonise over baby names
Giving a child the right name can help them get ahead in life, according to British parents.
search on: Couples-agonise-over-baby-names
Britney finds love with old friend
Women seem to love bad boys – and Britney Spears has been no different – until now.
search on: Britney-finds-love-with-old-friend
WLTM a man just like dad
It's official: men marry their mums while women go for men who look like their dads, according to a new study.
search on: WLTM-a-man-just-like-dad
Women can't get enough of glossy mags
Women's magazines are the nation's favourite read of choice and the loo is one of the favourite locations to read, according to a new poll.
search on: Women-cant-get-enough-glossy-mags
Stereotypes prevail as traditional gender divides
Men and women expect different things from their partners in a relationship, it has been revealed.
search on: Stereotypes-prevail-traditional-gender-divides-
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