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Search Results For "hottest"
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.
search on: Orlando-adds-Hollywood-hotlist-lovers
Kylie and Jason to reunite
The hottest couple of the 90s are getting back together to take a look at their history as a couple during their years on Neighbours.
search on: Kylie-Jason-reunite
Wales' hottest couple?
There may not be hoards of competition, but it seems there is a new couple in town rivalling for the title of Wales' hottest couple.
search on: Wales-hottest-couple?
Men and women 'love to gossip'
It's not just women that love a good gossip, but men also indulge in a bit of chin-wagging too, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-women-love-gossip
Short men 'more likely to be jealous'
Men who are vertically challenged are more likely to be jealous than those who are more blessed in the height stakes, according to a new scientific report.
search on: Short-men-'more-likely-be-jealous'
Rihanna denies romance reports
Barbadian pop princess Rihanna has attempted to put rumours to rest about her relationship with fello R'n'B superstar Chris Brown.
search on: Rihanna-denies-romance-reports
Beckham tops US 'sexiest male' poll
David Beckham has been voted top totty in the US, beating off competition from some of the world's hottest men.
search on: Beckham-tops-US-sexiest-male-poll
Brits Europe's
A new survey has revealed the embarrassing result that British holidaymakers are perceived to have the worst beach bodies in Europe.
search on: Brits-Europes-
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