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Search Results For "100"
Survey reveals true cost of love
The average Brit spends over £70 on Valentine's Day, a new study has revealed.
search on: Survey-reveals-true-cost-love
The price of love
With Valentine's Day on the table, couples are reuniting and singles are perhaps looking, yet the day proves significant for happily married couples as well, with the day proving a big night for ...
search on: The-price-love
UK govt: Send roses to loved ones from Kenya
The UK government is reminding shoppers for this year's Valentine's Day to buy roses from a more environmentally-friendly source such as Kenya, to both cut down on emissions and to help the ...
search on: UK-govt:-Send-roses-loved-ones-from-Kenya
Grooms 'uncertain' about brides' past
Grooms in the UK are not entirely certain about the whole of their brides' past, according to a new survey.
search on: Grooms-'uncertain'-about-brides'-past
Brits prefer sightseeing to honeymoon nooky
The majority of newlyweds would rather spend their first few days as Mr and Mrs seeing the sites at their holiday destination than consummating their marriage, according to a new study.
search on: Brits-prefer-sightseeing-honeymoon-nooky
Study: Men look for beauty, while women want riche
Men look for beauty, while women are more drawn to a man's bank balance when looking for their ideal partner, according to a new survey.
search on: Study:-Men-look-beauty--while-women-want-
Usher declares love for his wife
Media speculation is suggesting that Usher's marriage is on the rocks, but the R&B star has declared his love for his wife on a US talk show.
search on: Usher-declares-love-wife
Fiat 500 voted sexiest car by women
Every woman likes to look good and, according to a new poll, a dinky but iconic Fiat is the car women feel best in.
search on: Fiat-500-voted-sexiest-car-by-women
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