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Search Results For "James"
Fast-paced life a danger to Brits
The fast-paced nature of British modern life could eventually lead to a meltdown, according to new research.
search on: Fast-paced-life-a-danger-Brits
Eastenders actress 'loving the single life'
Eastenders stunner Kara Tointon is loving the single life, but is secretly preparing to make a great wife, according to reports.
search on: Eastenders-actress-loving-single-life
Daniel Craig reveals first kiss angst
Gorgeous James Bond actor Daniel Craig has been revealing all about his very first kiss.
search on: Daniel-Craig-reveals-kiss-angst
James Corden's humour makes him a hit with the lad
When it comes to finding a good man, all a lot of girls want is someone who can make them laugh through the hard times.
search on: James-Cordens-humour-hit-lad
Silver Surfers finding love online
You might think that online dating is a pastime of the young, hip and trendy, but new research reveals that an increasing number of pensioners are finding love on the internet.
search on: Silver-Surfers-finding-love-online
Brits 'fall in love' with TV characters
One in three British people has admitted to falling in love with a TV character, according to a new poll.
search on: Brits-fall-love-TV-characters
Men no longer masculine
Young men in Britain are losing their masculinity, according to a new report. It seems that the shift in gender roles and the rise of the Power Woman has meant that men have also found themselves changing.
search on: Men-longer-masculine
First UK dating site for fat people signs up 1,000 people in its first 12 hours
The first online dating agency - www.funpie.co.uk - for those blessed with natural curves has just gone live. This website discriminates against size - you have to be larger than life to join.
search on: First-UK-dating-site-fat-people-signs-up-
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