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Search Results For "Keeping"
Keeping it platonic
When men and women enter into friendships with people of the opposite sex, they are often looking for different things.
search on: Keeping-platonic
Dog and man wed
A man from India has married a dog following the advice on an astrologer.
search on: Dog-wed
Couple prepare to become UK's oldest newlyweds
Following a romantic love affair, a couple are making plans to become the UK's oldest newlyweds.
search on: Couple-prepare-become-UK-oldest-newlyweds
Football on the brain
Men are often distracted during intimate time with their partners because they have other things on their minds.
search on: Football-brain
Leap year proposals
It is just a little over two months until the day on which it becomes women's turn to propose is upon us.
search on: Leap-year-proposals
Keeping your partner faithful
While few of us enter into relationships believing our partner will be unfaithful, once the first flushes of romance have passed and the relationship has developed into a routine, it becomes more of a...
search on: Keeping-partner-faithful
Germans 'selfish in bed'
Germans have been voted the world's worst lovers in a new poll.
search on: Germans-selfish-bed
Keeping your relationship balanced
The honeymoon period of a relationship usually means that all a couple wants to do is see one another. You just can't get enough of each other.
search on: Keeping-your-relationship-balanced
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