Men 'love strong, independent women' |
Modern man loves a woman who can stand up to him and take control of the household finances, according to a poll. |
Fast-paced life a danger to Brits |
The fast-paced nature of British modern life could eventually lead to a meltdown, according to new research. |
Technology 'drives couples apart' |
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research. |
Robbie in dumpsville |
The hectic nature of modern working life makes it extremely difficult to keep a relationships healthy. It can feel like you're doing a constant plate balancing act, but sometimes you have to let ... |
Internet relationships 'becoming more popular' |
In the age of modern technology, being suspicious of your spouse has taken on a whole new level. |
British women 'are body-confident' |
Contrary to popular belief, British women are happy with their weight, according to shock new survey results. |
Couples 'not spending enough' time together |
As the hustle and bustle of modern life takes its toll, Britons are spending less and less time with their spouses and partners, according to new research. |
Women 'have more sexual partners' |
The average woman has had more sexual partners than the average man, according to a new survey which has turned gender stereotypes on their heads. |