Silver Separations: Rising Divorces In the UK |
Such is the rapid increase of divorce rates in the over 60s age range that it has now been labeled as the “silver separations” generation. |
What women want |
When it comes to finding Mr Right, a man's height is more important to a woman than his looks, and weight is more crucial than earnings, according to a new survey of 40,000 women, UK dating researchers found. |
Gays covet Daniel and Keira |
Bond star Daniel Craig has topped a list of the British celebrities gay men would most like to date. |
Silver Surfers finding love online |
You might think that online dating is a pastime of the young, hip and trendy, but new research reveals that an increasing number of pensioners are finding love on the internet. |
Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe? |
The crazed notion that Irish men are the continent’s least beautiful people has come from online dating site BeautifulPeople.com. |
Over-50s take to online dating and socialising |
An increasing number of over-50s use the internet to help their love life, according to new research. |