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Search Results For "Tom"
Wannabe chefs in kitchen mishaps
Sometimes the way to a man or woman's heart is through his or her stomach, but research shows that Britain is turning into a nation of kitchen klutzes.
search on: Wannabe-chefs-kitchen-mishaps
Dempsey to attend premiere with Versace
Suave star Patrick Dempsey will be attending the Rome premiere of his new movie Made of Honor with none other than Donatella Versace.
search on: Dempsey-attend-premiere-with-Versace
The lies men tell to women
Men lie. It's a phrase we have all heard before, whether it's from a friend trying to console us following a harsh break-up with who we thought was the man of our dreams, or the discovery of an infidelity.
search on: The-lies-men-women
Journalist proposes in column
When Amanda Taccone, a web journalist got online one day to read her boyfriend's column, she got the surprise of her life when she got the last line.
search on: Journalist-proposes-column
Risk assessment helps couples last
Ever felt that you and your partner go over the same old ground every time you fight? Well a new scheme may help couples stuck in a rut to get to the bottom of their issues and set their relationship ...
search on: Risk-assessment-couples
Are you sure it isn't you?
A new self-help book claims it can help women overcome their personal obstacles to relationship contentment.
search on: Are-sure-isnt-you?
Speed dating diva-style
She's one of the most eligible single women in the world, but Mariah Carey isn't a fan of traditional dating.
search on: Speed-dating-diva-style
More sex means fewer marks
Society is increasingly socially liberal, but the downsides of promiscuity have been highlighted by new research, which suggests that sleeping around leads to poor exam performance.
search on: More-sex-means-fewer-marks
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