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Summer Singles Party

Saturday, 22 August 2015 7:30 PM  BOOK NOW

Our Summer Party event will take place on Saturday 22 August at the Union Bar.
search on: Summer-Singles-Party
Diva Mariah marries rapper
Relatives of rapper Nick Cannon have confirmed that he and singer Mariah Carey have married.
search on: Diva-Mariah-marries-rapper
Action prompts for successful dating

Mary Balfour gives some hot tips for successful dating gained from over ten years experience of running two of the country''s
best known personal introduction agencies . Click on any section h

search on: Action-prompts-successful-dating
Men want beauty, women want wealth
When looking for a partner, women are more likely to choose a man who is wealthy, while men are attracted to women who are attractive.
search on: Men-want-beauty--women-want-wealth
Learning lessons from love
Learning lessons in your relationship and how to relate to your partner can make your love last and give you a better understanding about what's important in life.
search on: Learning-lessons-love
Russians to have national 'sex day'
Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today.
search on: Russians-have-national-ex-day'
Seven year itch cut in half
Marriages are not lasting as long as they once did and the infamous seven-year itch is now closer to just three years.
search on: Seven-year-itch-cut-half
The sexual revolution, 50 years on
A debate on Radio 4 recently took place to assess how sexual liberation has progressed in the last 50 years.
search on: sexual-revolution--50-years
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