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Search Results For "addiction"
Love and addiction
Love has a profound effect on the brain and can lead people to have difficulty thinking rationally.
search on: Love-addiction
Cole's case highlights infidelity boom
Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole is just the latest victim of a depressingly common scenario.
search on: Coles-case-highlights-infidelity-boom
Kirsten finds love in rehab
In proof that you can find love anywhere, actress Kirsten Dunst has started dating a man while in rehab, according to reports.
search on: Kirsten-finds-love-rehab
Technology 'drives couples apart'
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research.
search on: Technology-drives-couples-apart
Mobile phone addiction on dates 'a turn off'
Mobile phones are beating men in the fight for a woman's attention on a date, according to a new study.
search on: Mobile-phone-addiction-dates-'a-turn-off'
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