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Search Results For "call"
Women want weedy guys for long-term love
Women want men who are less manly and more weedy when it comes to finding a partner for marriage, a new survey by the University of Durham has revealed.
search on: Women-want-weedy-guys-long-term-love
A helping hand for cheaters
Cheating on a partner can be a shady business, and a company in France has decided to exploit this gap in the market by helping cheaters cover their tracks.
search on: A-helping-hand-cheaters
Get the girl
Susan Thomas, a dating expert, has given men some pointers to help them bag the girl of their dreams.
search on: Get-girl
Britain's greenest wedding
The nuptials of two climate change campaigners this weekend is thought to be Britain's most environmentally friendly wedding ever.
search on: Britain-greenest-wedding
Love on the rocks
When soldier Shaun Mancinelli proposed to his girlfriend Llian Randall on an island off the Welsh coast last week, she got more than she bargained for when the couple had to be rescued.
search on: Love-rocks
Can't take my eyes off you
Whether sizing up a rival or searching for a mate, our attention gets stuck on attractive people, a new study has revealed.
search on: Cant-take-eyes-off
Man who sold everything on eBay buys a Carribean island and finds new love
search on: Man-who-sold-everything-eBay-buys-a-Carribean-
Young Irish women earning more than their partners
The Economic and Social Research Institute in collaboration with University College Dublin has revealed that women in young couples in Ireland are increasingly likely to earn more money and have a bet...
search on: Young-Irish-women-earning-more-their-partners
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