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Search Results For "comes"
The key to finding Mr Right
Women can teach themselves about what men want when it comes to dating, according to a relationship expert.
search on: key-finding-Mr-Right
We're not seductive, say British women
British women worry that they do not possess the skill of seduction, according to a new poll.
search on: We're-not-seductive--say-British-women
Infidelity in the virtual world
As the virtual world steps up to a new level with the launch of Second Life which allows people to make a virtual character in their own image and conduct all aspects of life, there is concern about w...
search on: Infidelity-virtual-world
Why it's worth waiting to cohabit
As living together without being married becomes increasingly accepted, many people find that convenience, finances and other factors can be very tempting, but it's not always the right move for everyone.
search on: Why-its-worth-waiting-cohabit
What women want
Men have been trying to figure out what it is that women want for centuries, but the release of a new book could help them find the answers.
search on: What-women
Heartbreak more acute for some ethnic backgrounds
Americans of European origin are less likely to cope with negative events such as heartbreak compared to their counterparts from Asian backgrounds.
search on: Heartbreak-more-acute-some-ethnic-backgrounds
Arranged marriages to air on British TV
The Asian tradition of arranged marriages will be gracing our screens, as Arrange Me a Marriage comes to BBC2 next month.
search on: Arranged-marriages-air-British-TV
Handling conflict can make or break relationship
It is not anger but how we deal with conflict in relationships that determines whether the love is built to last, according to Dr John Gottman, a relationship expert.
search on: Handling-conflict-can-make-break-relationship
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