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Search Results For "virtual"
Online dating 'great for finding Mr or Miss Right'
When it comes to finding The One, online dating sites are one of the best methods, according to a magazine.
search on: Online-dating-great-finding-Mr-Miss-Right
Infidelity in the virtual world
As the virtual world steps up to a new level with the launch of Second Life which allows people to make a virtual character in their own image and conduct all aspects of life, there is concern about w...
search on: Infidelity-virtual-world
Woman's cheating gets caught on Wii
A cheating wife has been uncovered via the media of her computer technology game-playing.
search on: Womans-cheating-gets-caught-Wii
Swan love flourishes after pedalo romance
A swan who fell in love with a pedal boat, making international headlines, has finally fallen for a creature of her own kind.
search on: Swan-love-flourishes-pedalo-romance
Internet dating couple opt for TACO wedding
A couple who met on an internet dating site have tied the knot at American fast food restaurant, Taco Bell.
search on: Internet-dating-couple-opt-TACO-wedding
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