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Search Results For "different"
Wedding takes step back in time
A couple from Buckinghamshire recently went back to medieval times for their wedding day.
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Seven year itch cut in half
Marriages are not lasting as long as they once did and the infamous seven-year itch is now closer to just three years.
search on: Seven-year-itch-cut-half
UK Government cracks down on migrant hoax marriages
The UK Government is proposing to crack down on immigrants using fake marriages as a “back door” into Britain.
search on: UK-Government-cracks-down-migrant-hoax-marriages
Cohabiting before Marriage can increase chance of Divorce

Cohabiting has become the norm - 80 per cent of us cohabit before marrying. Since 2001, the number of cohabiting couples in the UK has risen dramatically from 2.1 million to 2.9 milli

search on: Cohabiting-before-Marriage-can-increase-chance-Divorce
Tips for live-in lovers
Living together can lead to a relationship quickly becoming mundane and everyday, but relationships expert Laura Berman told the Sun Times some tips to keep the magic alive.
search on: Tips-live-in-lovers
Aggressive males behind the steering wheel
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus – that must explain why they are so different behind the wheel.
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Deep-voiced men have more babies
If you have your sights set on a big family, a man with a deep voice might be the ideal partner, a new study has revealed.
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Heartbreak more acute for some ethnic backgrounds
Americans of European origin are less likely to cope with negative events such as heartbreak compared to their counterparts from Asian backgrounds.
search on: Heartbreak-more-acute-some-ethnic-backgrounds
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