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Search Results For "effort"
Married couples missing out on passion
The romantic and sex lives of couples are said to dwindle as soon as they settle down into marriage.
search on: Married-couples-missing-out-passion
Relationship maintenance for men
Relationships change over time and whether yours is going well right now, or entering a rocky patch, there are things you can do to help it continue and get stronger.
search on: Relationship-maintenance-men
British women making the effort
Women check their reflection every 30 minutes, a new survey has revealed.
search on: British-women-making-effort
Bride and groom in different continents marry
A solider based in Basra has married his girlfriend in a ceremony which took place with the couple thousands of miles apart.
search on: Bride-groom-different-continents-marry
Ugly girls hunt for hotties
Unattractive women are more likely to chase attractive men in an effort to boost their children's genes, new research has suggested.
search on: Ugly-girls-hunt-hotties
Reese rejects Jake's proposal
Reese Witherspoon has reportelyd turned down a proposal of marriage from her boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal.
search on: Reese-rejects-Jakes-proposal
Choosing the right gift
As Christmas time creeps up on us, it can be a romantic season for many couples.
search on: Choosing-right-gift
Keeping your relationship balanced
The honeymoon period of a relationship usually means that all a couple wants to do is see one another. You just can't get enough of each other.
search on: Keeping-your-relationship-balanced
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