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Search Results For "marr"
Jessica Simpson to tie the knot again
US singer Jessica Simpson is set to be a 'Newlywed' once again as she has found love with an American football star.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-again
Divorced men are suddenly such a catch!
48,000 single British women are actively seeking men with a failed marriage behind them.
search on: Divorced-men-are-suddenly-such-a-catch!
Bridget Jones gets no love from Beatle
Sir Paul McCartney has denied speculation that he has been dating Bridget Jones's Diary star Renee Zellweger.
search on: Bridget-Jones-gets-love-from-Beatle
Brits getting more spontaneous
Britons are at their most spontaneous, according to a new survey.
search on: Brits-getting-spontaneous
Learning lessons from love
Learning lessons in your relationship and how to relate to your partner can make your love last and give you a better understanding about what's important in life.
search on: Learning-lessons-love
Women want weedy guys for long-term love
Women want men who are less manly and more weedy when it comes to finding a partner for marriage, a new survey by the University of Durham has revealed.
search on: Women-want-weedy-guys-long-term-love
Dairy farmer's milk carton romance
A dairy farmer from Wales has found love after posting a lonely hearts advert on cartons of milk.
search on: Dairy-farmer-milk-carton-romance
Don't leg-go of my heart
A blushing bride who broke her leg hours before her wedding ceremony refused to take doctors' orders and went through with her big day.
search on: Dont-leg-go-heart
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