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Search Results For "receive"
The evolution of Valentine's Day
There's nothing like covering all bases.
search on: evolution-Valentines-Day
Brits more romantic than Americans
New research shows that people in the UK are more likely to have purchased a Valentine's Day gift online than their American counterparts.
search on: Brits-more-romantic-Americans
Brits Europe's
A new survey has revealed the embarrassing result that British holidaymakers are perceived to have the worst beach bodies in Europe.
search on: Brits-Europes-
Brits not afraid of office relationships
Two-fifths of British office works have intimate relationships with their colleagues, new research claims.
search on: Brits-afraid-office-relationships
Wartime couple celebrate 60 years together
All's fair in love and war. And one happy couple have found out that even World War II could not ruin their romance.
search on: Wartime-couple-celebrate-60-years-together
Women prefer accountants to James Bonds
British women may think they want a James Bond-style adventure, but new research reveals that their Mr Right is more likely to have job security than spontaneous sophistication.
search on: Women-prefer-accountants-James-Bonds
Scientists carry out study on arguing couples
Tired of rowing with your partner? Well new research reveals arguments could be a thing of the past.
search on: Scientists-carry-study-arguing-couples
Love letters straight from the heart
With the advent of email and SMS, traditional written love letters are fast becoming a thing of the past, but not for one man who is on a mission to restore the lost art and make people smile.
search on: Love-letters-straight-from-heart
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