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Search Results For "waiting"
Women marrying later and later

According to the Office For National Statistics, the age at which British women marry for the first time has been climbing. Most interestingly, the number getting married for the first time in thei

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Why it's worth waiting to cohabit
As living together without being married becomes increasingly accepted, many people find that convenience, finances and other factors can be very tempting, but it's not always the right move for everyone.
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You may kiss the mini-bride
A Chinese couple are waiting on the Guinness Book of Records to confirm that they are the shortest ever newly-weds.
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German couples abandoning wedding rings
Many couples in Germany have given up exchanging wedding rings because the country has such a high divorce rate they assume their relationship won't last.
search on: German-couples-abandoning-wedding-rings
Love in a crystal ball
A 23-year old Sydney woman has fulfilled her destiny and married a plumber she briefly knew years before.
search on: Love-crystal-ball
Economy 'takes its toll' on search for love
The dire economic situation in England and the US is taking its toll on the search for love, according to an expert.
search on: Economy-takes-its-toll-search-love
Men 'not into cosmetics'
Recent years have hailed the rise of the metrosexual man – the man who looks after his appearance, probably spends more time in the mirror than his girlfriend and spends a lot of money on cosmetic pro...
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The evolution of Valentine's Day
There's nothing like covering all bases.
search on: evolution-Valentines-Day
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