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Search Results For "Brits"
Money doesn't buy love for Brits
About 2.2 million of Brits said they ended their last relationship because of money issues according to research by internet bank cahoot.
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Brits more romantic than Americans
New research shows that people in the UK are more likely to have purchased a Valentine's Day gift online than their American counterparts.
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Fast-paced life a danger to Brits
The fast-paced nature of British modern life could eventually lead to a meltdown, according to new research.
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Brits having workplace affairs
Britons are spending increasingly long hours at work and socialising even more with their colleagues and this has led to a significant number of workplace crushes, according to a new survey.
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Technology 'drives couples apart'
Modern technology could be driving some couples apart, according to new research.
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Flings more likely on hen nights than stag nights
Women are more likely to cheat on their other half on their hen nights than men are on their stag nights, according to a new survey.
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The death of the romantic breakfast in bed
British men would most like to wake up to breakfast in bed with Kelly Brook or Denise Van Outen, while the ladies would love to start the day with Johnny Depp or David Beckham, according to a new poll...
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Brits prefer sightseeing to honeymoon nooky
The majority of newlyweds would rather spend their first few days as Mr and Mrs seeing the sites at their holiday destination than consummating their marriage, according to a new study.
search on: Brits-prefer-sightseeing-honeymoon-nooky
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