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Ready for your close up?

Do you want to stop people in their tracks as they scroll through pages and pages of dating profiles?  Of course, you do.

I run the UK’s only

search on: Ready-close-up?
Women Refuse to Date Unemployed Men

A new study has revealed that women are not interested in dating a man who doesn''t have a job.

A massive 75per cent of women were "turned off" by unemployment in the survey conducted by

search on: Women-Refuse-Date-Unemployed-Men
Prince William's girlfriend makes it in common par
Kate Middleton, Prince William's on-off girlfriend, may become a fixed part of the English vernacular with her name making it into the new edition of the Collins dictionary.
search on: Prince-Williams-girlfriend-common-par
Russell Brand 'considering settling down'
Comedian Russell Brand likes big girls and wants to settle down someday, according to media reports.
search on: Russell-Brand-considering-settling-down
Weather 'could lead to a frisky holiday'
Warm weather and an abundance of free time will ensure that this May Bank Holiday is the most sexually-active vacation of the year, it has been claimed.
search on: Weather-could-lead-frisky-holiday
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports.
search on: Orlando-adds-Hollywood-hotlist-lovers
Partners not spending enough on each other
People are not spending enough on the one they love and could risk losing them if they don't step up their game, according to a new survey by Abbey.
search on: Partners-spending-enough-other
Romantic priorities of the Baby Boomers
The Baby Boomer generation have grown up during a time of change and this has had an impact on what is important to them in relationships, as a new survey by Facts International has revealed.
search on: Romantic-priorities-Baby-Boomers
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