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Search Results For "Uma"
Male monkeys 'pay' females for sex
Male monkeys pay their female mates for sex, a new study has revealed.
search on: Male-monkeys-pay-females-sex
Being the other woman
A new BBC drama is set to explore life as the lover of a married man.
search on: Being-other
Twins unwittingly marry eachother
It sounds like a Grecian myth or a movie plotline too unlikely to ever happen in real life.
search on: Twins-unwittingly-marry-eachother
Dinosaurs 'had sex as teens'
Dinosaurs grew up fast and died young, scientists have discovered.
search on: Dinosaurs-had-sex-teens
Find Everlasting Love - Now!

You are an independent person but, like all human beings, you have a need for intimacy, and an intimate relationship is maybe the best way for you to feel really fulfilled. However, it is all very

search on: Find-Everlasting-Love---Now!
Women 'turned on' by men's sweaty pits
The smell of men's sweat turns women on, according to a new scientific study.
search on: Women-'turned-on'-by-men-sweaty-pits
Women 'feel negative after one-night stands'
The female of the species has not adapted to the concept of the one-night stand, despite the effects of the sexual revolution, according to scientists.
search on: Women-feel-negative-after-one-night-stands
Study challenges stereotype of insatiable male
A new book is challenging conventional wisdom by claiming there are times when a man does not want sex.
search on: Study-challenges-stereotype-insatiable-male
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