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Search Results For "key"
Ugly men 'better for beautiful women'
We've all done double takes when we have spotted a drop-dead-gorgeous guy with an aesthetically-challenged woman on his arm. But no-one takes any notice when it's a gorgeous woman with an ug...
search on: Ugly-men-'better-beautiful-women'
Couples agonise over baby names
Giving a child the right name can help them get ahead in life, according to British parents.
search on: Couples-agonise-over-baby-names
Want to find true love? Read on...

search on: Want-find-true-love?-Read-on...

Watching sunsets 'most romantic' pastime
Watching a sunset snuggled up to your loved one is the most romantic pastime, according to a survey of British couples.
search on: Watching-sunsets-'most-romantic'-pastime
Women fall for self-deprecating charms
Making fun of yourself is one of the best ways of getting a woman to fall for you, according to new scientific research.
search on: Women-fall-self-deprecating-charms
Rollercoaster ride of love
If the object of your affections does not seem to be taking an interest in you, then try taking them on a rollercoaster to give love a helping hand.
search on: Rollercoaster-ride-love
The £1k cost of being a wedding guest
People in the UK are so keen to see their loved-up loved-ones tie the knot with their Mr or Miss Right that many are spending more than £1,000 a pop.
search on: The-£1k-cost-being-wedding-guest
Trendy ties fashion 'must-haves' for men
Gone are the days when wearing a tie was just a mandatory accessory for the workplace, funerals and weddings.
search on: Trendy-ties-fashion-must-haves-men
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