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Search Results For "Recipe"
Action prompts for successful dating

Mary Balfour gives some hot tips for successful dating gained from over ten years experience of running two of the country''s
best known personal introduction agencies . Click on any section h

search on: Action-prompts-successful-dating
Men harnessing 'pulling power of puds'
The days of a man inviting you inside after a date for a 'coffee' are over, according to new research, which suggests that puddings are becoming the perfect way to woo women.
search on: Men-harnessing-'pulling-power-puds'
Most unromantic day of the year revealed
If you tried your luck in the dating game last Wednesday but failed miserably then never fear as new research reveals that August 27th is the least romantic day of the year.
search on: unromantic-day-year-revealed
Recipe for long-lasting love
Two dinner dates a month, four cuddles a day and a romantic getaway twice a year are just some of the things couples need to have a long-lasting relationship, according to research.
search on: Recipe-long-lasting-love
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