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Search Results For "Woman"
Qualities That Women Find Attractive In Divorced Men
“If you’ve been married, you know how good it feels to be someone’s special person — even if it didn’t last long— and are likely to want to experience that again," says Denise Knowles, a relationship ...
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The Romance Rainbow! Your perfect colours for love?

So, we’ve been over the basics on what to wear on a date before: keep it smart but comfortable, don’t bare too much flesh, make sure it’s CLEA

search on: Romance-Rainbow!-perfect-colours-love?
10 Dos and Donts Of Grown Up Dating
Every week for a year, Ursula Hirschkorn writing the dating column for the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine, learnt the deepest secrets of Britain’s lonely hearts.
search on: 10-Dos-Donts-Grown-Up-Dating
Woman turns down 150th suitor
Plenty more fish in the sea? Not for this woman, who has rejected the advances of 150 men.
search on: Woman-turns-down-150th-suitor
Nothing can keep couple apart
A woman from Kent missed her husband so much that she broke into the prison he was in to visit him.
search on: Nothing-can-keep-couple-apart
Men want beauty, women want wealth
When looking for a partner, women are more likely to choose a man who is wealthy, while men are attracted to women who are attractive.
search on: Men-want-beauty--women-want-wealth
Dairy farmer's milk carton romance
A dairy farmer from Wales has found love after posting a lonely hearts advert on cartons of milk.
search on: Dairy-farmer-milk-carton-romance
Get the girl
Susan Thomas, a dating expert, has given men some pointers to help them bag the girl of their dreams.
search on: Get-girl
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