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Search Results For "healthy"
Russians to have national 'sex day'
Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today.
search on: Russians-have-national-ex-day'
Separate bank accounts - the key to relationship l
Financial issues are one of the biggest causes of arguments amongst couples, it has been revealed.
search on: Separate-bank-accounts---key-relationship-l
Friends with benefits - not so straightforward
Many people have got into a casual relationship with a friend, which offers the no-strings-attached physical aspects of a relationship without the commitment and emotional vulnerability of a real relationship.
search on: Friends-benefits---straightforward
Women choosing shopping over sex
A worrying one in four women would rather partake in an outdoor activity than stay home for some loving with their partner, with four in ten opting for a shopping trip rather than an afternoon in bed.
search on: Women-choosing-shopping-over-sex
It's all about the smile
Women of today are investing in their teeth to win the love of their life.
search on: It-about-smile
Finding love is top New Year's resolution
As many people set about drafting their resolutions for the New Year there are some old favourites which seem to appear in everyone's list - do more exercise, find my perfect job, take up a new h...
search on: Finding-love-top-New-Year-resolution
Keeping arguments healthy
All couples fight. It's just one of those things. But whether arguing could spell the end of your relationship depends on how you deal with the arguments and what they achieve.
search on: Keeping-arguments-healthy
Longer legs 'are more attractive'
The science behind the attractiveness of longer legs has been explained by researchers from Poland.
search on: Longer-legs-are-attractive
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