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Search Results For "costs"
Couple take 22 year holiday
A couple from Newark in Nottingham have been enjoying their honeymoon period for 22 years, during which they have lived in a Travelodge motel on the A1.
search on: Couple-take-22-year-holiday
Politician calls for marriage time limit
As many people take marriage less seriously and see it less as a life-long commitment, Germans may be offered a get-out clause if a politician gets her way.
search on: Politician-calls-marriage-limit
Partners not spending enough on each other
People are not spending enough on the one they love and could risk losing them if they don't step up their game, according to a new survey by Abbey.
search on: Partners-spending-enough-other
What your name says about your dating style
Your name can have an impact on how you are perceived by your date, a new survey ahs revealed.
search on: What-your-name-says-your-dating-style
Dates 'costing' UK men
Men are finding the dating game increasingly hard on their pockets, according to new research.
search on: Dates-'costing'-UK-men
Loved-up Brits underestimate wedding costs
Brits who are planning their upcoming nuptials have good weather at the top of their wish-list, according to a new survey.
search on: Loved-up-Brits-underestimate-wedding-costs
Men 'forking out more' for dates
It may be the 21st century but traditionalist views about the dating game still remain, according to a new survey.
search on: Men-forking-more-dates
Brits go into the red for weddings
British couples are plunging further and further into the red in order to fund their weddings, new research reveals.
search on: Brits-go-into-red-weddings
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