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Search Results For "carry"
Female daters desire DIY guys
Men don't really like doing DIY, contrary to popular belief, according to a new survey.
search on: Female-daters-desire-DIY-guys
Women in charge of household finances
Women are taking charge of the financial management in the home, according to new research.
search on: Women-charge-household-finances
Relationship problems down to genetic flaw?
Having trouble convincing the man of your dreams to marry you? Well, don't blame him. His reluctance to wed could be down to his genes.
search on: Relationship-problems-down-genetic-flaw?
Women's love of fashion leaves them open to ID the
Women just can't live without their handbags and, for many, their whole lives are contained therein.
search on: Womens-love-fashion-leaves-them-ID
Most mums 'feel guilty about working'
The majority of career women who are also mothers would rather just quit work and look after their families, according to new research.
search on: Most-mums-feel-guilty-working
Brits strive for A-List holidays
One in three Britons choose a holiday destination because they have heard it is popular with celebrities, according to a new poll.
search on: Brits-strive-A-List-holidays
Men 'lose brain power' by sharing beds
While it may feel nice to be snuggled up to someone at night, new research reveals that sharing a bed results in men losing brain power temporarily.
search on: Men-'lose-brain-power'-by-sharing-beds
Over-50s take to online dating and socialising
An increasing number of over-50s use the internet to help their love life, according to new research.
search on: Over-50s-take-online-dating-socialising
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