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Search Results For "pub"
Prince William's girlfriend makes it in common par
Kate Middleton, Prince William's on-off girlfriend, may become a fixed part of the English vernacular with her name making it into the new edition of the Collins dictionary.
search on: Prince-Williams-girlfriend-common-par
New beau for Aniston, or just friends?
Former Friends star Jennifer Aniston has fuelled rumours of a new man in her life, as she was seen eating out in Miami on Friday with rocker John Mayer.
search on: New-beau-Aniston--just-friends?
Jessica Simpson gushes over sports-star boyfriend
Singer Jessica Simpson has revealed details of her relationship with American football star Tony Romo, in an interview with Glamour.
search on: Jessica-Simpson-gushes-over-sports-star-boyfriend
Kate Hudson wants Owen Wilson back?
Kate Hudson is on a mission to win back Owen Wilson, according to reports.
search on: Kate-Hudson-Owen-Wilson-back?
Journalist proposes in column
When Amanda Taccone, a web journalist got online one day to read her boyfriend's column, she got the surprise of her life when she got the last line.
search on: Journalist-proposes-column
Planning your proposal
Getting the proposal right is something of a worry for men seeking the hand in marriage of their loved one. Here are some tips to ensure you create the perfect moment, from the Star Telegram.
search on: Planning-your-proposal
Men making the moves
It seems that chivalry is not dead, at least in the world of online dating, a new survey has shown.
search on: Men-making-moves
Men get down on their Japan-knees for forgiveness
A group of men in Japan, recognising their wives and partners are reaching the ends of their tether have taken action to win them back.
search on: Men-get-down-their-Japan-knees-forgiveness
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