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Search Results For "about"
Brokeback couple split
Hollywood couple Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams have broken up after a three-year relationship, according to US magazine.
search on: Brokeback-couple-split
Clooney starting to swoon
George Clooney seems to have found love with a lucky young lady, Sarah Larson, who won Fear Factor.
search on: Clooney-starting-swoon
Couple take 22 year holiday
A couple from Newark in Nottingham have been enjoying their honeymoon period for 22 years, during which they have lived in a Travelodge motel on the A1.
search on: Couple-take-22-year-holiday
Learning lessons from love
Learning lessons in your relationship and how to relate to your partner can make your love last and give you a better understanding about what's important in life.
search on: Learning-lessons-love
Sexy soap moments
Erotic soap moments are doing it for couples the nation over. And some sexy clinches have made the history books.
search on: Sexy-soap-moments
Get the girl
Susan Thomas, a dating expert, has given men some pointers to help them bag the girl of their dreams.
search on: Get-girl
Love on the rocks
When soldier Shaun Mancinelli proposed to his girlfriend Llian Randall on an island off the Welsh coast last week, she got more than she bargained for when the couple had to be rescued.
search on: Love-rocks
Seven year itch cut in half
Marriages are not lasting as long as they once did and the infamous seven-year itch is now closer to just three years.
search on: Seven-year-itch-cut-half
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