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Search Results For "increase"
Britons choosing 'money-saving' over online dating
British people are spending far more time checking their bank balances online than meeting new people in cyberspace, according to a new report.
search on: Britons-choosing-'money-saving'-over-online-dating
Stress 'causing women health problems'
Stressful lives are playing havoc on women's stomachs and making them feel unattractive and bloated, according to a new survey.
search on: Stress-'causing-women-health-problems'
Love in the classroom
Around 60 per cent of Britons have found love in the classroom, according to a new survey.
search on: Love-classroom
UK a nation of worry warts
It's official. Britain is a nation of worriers, according to new research released this week.
search on: UK-a-nation-worry-warts
Educated women 'more likely to tie the knot'
Women with university degrees are more likely to get married than those who are less educated, according to new research.
search on: Educated-women-more-likely-tie-knot
Brits healthier and wealthier, but not happier
Britons today may live longer, have more money and possess more things, but they are no happier than they were 20 years ago, according to new research.
search on: Brits-healthier-wealthier--but-happier
Ireland's Mini Baby Boom
Ireland is experiencing a mini baby-boom since the economic collapse. The CSO has released data showing that there was more offspring born last year when compared with ten years ago. Interestingly, fo...
search on: Irelands-Mini-Baby-Boom
Women 'don't want male breadwinners'
The idea that the man should be the main "breadwinner" in a household is on the wane, according to a new poll which reveals that women are becoming increasingly self-sufficient.
search on: Women-dont-want-male-breadwinners
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