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Search Results For "looks"
Couples 'not spending enough' time together
As the hustle and bustle of modern life takes its toll, Britons are spending less and less time with their spouses and partners, according to new research.
search on: Couples-not-spending-enough-together
Men happier than women in midlife
Middle-aged women are not as happy as middle-aged men, according to new scientific research.
search on: Men-happier-women-midlife
Couple plan "credit crunch" wedding
The course of true love never did run cheap but a couple from Devon have taken heed of the credit crunch and done their wedding on a shoe-string.
search on: Couple-plan-"credit-crunch"-wedding
Are Irish men really the most ugly in Europe?
The crazed notion that Irish men are the continent’s least beautiful people has come from online dating site BeautifulPeople.com.
search on: Are-Irish-men-really-ugly-Europe?
Women sacrificing food to look good
The average British woman will spend the equivalent of 840 days of her life in front of the mirror, according to a new survey.
search on: Women-sacrificing-food-look
'Beautiful people' in dumpsville
There are a number of dating lessons we can learn from Hollywood's great and good, according to a women's magazine.
search on: 'Beautiful-people'-dumpsville
Older men want younger models
Older men really do want younger women when looking for love, according to new research.
search on: Older-men-younger-models
Does this TV star have a way with the ladies?
The numerous surveys that have taken place over the years about what women find attractive in a man always seem to indicate that the key thing is a good sense of humour.
search on: Does-this-TV-star-have-a-way-with-
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