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Search Results For "lead"
Footballer 'falls for Lily Allen's curves'
A premiership footballer has revealed he would love to date Lily Allen because he wants a fuller figured woman, according to media reports.
search on: Footballer-falls-Lily-Allens-curves
Marriage breakdown 'hinders schoolchildren'
The break-up of marital relationships is causing problems for children in schools, teachers have said.
search on: Marriage-breakdown-'hinders-schoolchildren'
Ugly men 'better for beautiful women'
We've all done double takes when we have spotted a drop-dead-gorgeous guy with an aesthetically-challenged woman on his arm. But no-one takes any notice when it's a gorgeous woman with an ug...
search on: Ugly-men-'better-beautiful-women'
Women 'more web savvy'
Women in the US are now more web-savvy than their male counterparts, according to new research.
search on: Women-more-web-savvy
Clegg reveals dating prowess
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has this week swept to the top of the leaderboard of things the British public would prefer not to know about their politicians.
search on: Clegg-reveals-dating-prowess
Study: Men look for beauty, while women want riche
Men look for beauty, while women are more drawn to a man's bank balance when looking for their ideal partner, according to a new survey.
search on: Study:-Men-look-beauty--while-women-want-
Internet relationships 'becoming more popular'
In the age of modern technology, being suspicious of your spouse has taken on a whole new level.
search on: Internet-relationships-'becoming-more-popular'
James Corden's humour makes him a hit with the lad
When it comes to finding a good man, all a lot of girls want is someone who can make them laugh through the hard times.
search on: James-Cordens-humour-hit-lad
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