Uncover the Secrets of Lasting Couples |
Relationships are never easy. And the longer you stay in a relationship, the easier it is to drift into routine, killing the original romance. |
Qualities That Women Find Attractive In Divorced Men |
“If you’ve been married, you know how good it feels to be someone’s special person — even if it didn’t last long— and are likely to want to experience that again," says Denise Knowles, a relationship ... |
Silver Separations: Rising Divorces In the UK |
Such is the rapid increase of divorce rates in the over 60s age range that it has now been labeled as the “silver separations” generation. |
Couple take 22 year holiday |
A couple from Newark in Nottingham have been enjoying their honeymoon period for 22 years, during which they have lived in a Travelodge motel on the A1. |
Deep-voiced men have more babies |
If you have your sights set on a big family, a man with a deep voice might be the ideal partner, a new study has revealed. |
Orlando adds to Hollywood hotlist of lovers |
The hottest young actor to come out of the UK in some time has bagged a Hollywood star, according to reports. |
Marriage lives on |
Despite the dramatic increase in divorce rates and the number of couples who live together without being married has led many to wonder whether 'til death do us part' still applies. |
Blondes turn men stupid |
For decades blondes have been associated with being dumb, but a new study has shown that it is men who turn silly when confronted by a stunning blonde. |