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Search Results For "save"
Politician calls for marriage time limit
As many people take marriage less seriously and see it less as a life-long commitment, Germans may be offered a get-out clause if a politician gets her way.
search on: Politician-calls-marriage-limit
National Kissing Statistics
Only five per cent of over 45s manage more than 30 kisses a week
search on: National-Kissing-Statistics
Getting to know you?
First impressions count and so do first questions.
search on: Getting-know-you?
Make this one a happy Valentine's Day
Many singles view Valentine's Day with dread.
search on: Make-one-happy-Valentines-Day
Snoring partners keep women awake
Half of women in the UK do not get nearly enough shut-eye because they cannot get to sleep for their partner's snoring.
search on: Snoring-partners-women-awake
Honeymoons in the UK rising in popularity
Sometimes brides and grooms can get carried away with the romance of weddings and jetting off to foreign climes for their honeymoons.
search on: Honeymoons-UK-rising-popularity
In love and war
It is one of the romantic love stories there could be. A British nurse is set to marry the soldier love she helped to save from near death.
search on: love-war
Couple buy first date island
A romantic Guernsey couple are now the new managers of the romantic island they had their first date on.
search on: Couple-buy-island
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