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Search Results For "Mr"
Is your boyfriend good Marriage Material?
There is no perfect way to find out if you are with your Mr Perfect. In fact If you are looking for a Mister who is Perfect, you might as well stop looking and recognize that perfection simply doesn’t...
search on: boyfriend-good-Marriage-Material?
Silver Separations: Rising Divorces In the UK
Such is the rapid increase of divorce rates in the over 60s age range that it has now been labeled as the “silver separations” generation.
search on: Silver-Separations:-Rising-Divorces-UK
Woman turns down 150th suitor
Plenty more fish in the sea? Not for this woman, who has rejected the advances of 150 men.
search on: Woman-turns-down-150th-suitor
Death defying climber misses girlfriend's birthday
When it comes to excuses for missing your birthday, this has got to rank pretty highly.
search on: Death-defying-climber-misses-girlfriends-birthday
Couple take 22 year holiday
A couple from Newark in Nottingham have been enjoying their honeymoon period for 22 years, during which they have lived in a Travelodge motel on the A1.
search on: Couple-take-22-year-holiday
Russians to have national 'sex day'
Imagine the government telling the country to take the day off to have sex. Well, that's exactly what's happening in Russia today.
search on: Russians-have-national-ex-day'
Don't leg-go of my heart
A blushing bride who broke her leg hours before her wedding ceremony refused to take doctors' orders and went through with her big day.
search on: Dont-leg-go-heart
UK Government cracks down on migrant hoax marriages
The UK Government is proposing to crack down on immigrants using fake marriages as a “back door” into Britain.
search on: UK-Government-cracks-down-migrant-hoax-marriages
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